Shake Up Your Foam Rolling Routine With The TriggerPoint GRID VIBE20180801235943

Shake Up Your Foam Rolling Routine With The TriggerPoint GRID VIBE

Looking for a beneficial twist on your current injury prevention and recovery routine using a foam roller? TriggerPoint takes the nearly religious pra...
ReST Partners with CrossFit Star Kari Pearce20180322165623

ReST Partners with CrossFit Star Kari Pearce

Sleep technology innovator, Responsive Surface Technology, LLC (“ReST”) has partnered with the “Fittest American Woman” CrossFit athlete, Kari Pearce....
NO EXCUSES. Efficient Ways to Train and Recover at Home.20150514181130

NO EXCUSES. Efficient Ways to Train and Recover at Home.

In a world of convenience most of us are guilty of skipping workouts because we are short on time. Even professional athletes like some of the SMACKAN...
Win the Gear Patrol “Ultimate Summer Run Kit” Featuring 110% Compression!20130701170610

Win the Gear Patrol “Ultimate Summer Run Kit” Featuring 110% Compression!

Gear Patrol has curated the Ultimate Summer Run Kit, completed by The 110% Overdrive Compression Sox + Ice Kit which comes with 110% Compression Sox, ...
Olympic Training Secrets–SMACKANISTA Sara Hendershot Spills with STACK Magazine20130621192957

Olympic Training Secrets–SMACKANISTA Sara Hendershot Spills with STACK Magazine

Want to know how an Olympian and SMACKANISTA Sara Hendershot recovers and deals with injury? Sara gets real with STACK Magazine as she shares first-ha...