2015 Press Spotlight: The Best Training Tools To Help You Reach Your Goals

Let’s face it–if you are reading this blog, and are like us, you are already committed to some serious health and fitness goals in 2015! (You can read more about the SMACKANISTAS’ goals here!) Therefore, the trick is not just getting out the door or into the gym, but staying healthy, motivated and ready to perform each workout and competition at the best of your ability!

Here are some of our first client spotlights in 2015 that are sure to set your preparation and goals on the best path:

Office related injuries are no joke! That achy back or neck and poor posture WILL affect your performance and health during your training! Yahoo.com recommends the TP Massage Ball from Trigger Point Therapy to keep your upper body tension in check. Best of all, it also works wonders for sore and tight hips, feet and legs!

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To perform like a pro not only requires elevated training, but also pro-level recovery. Marc Pro makes it possible by stimulating your muscles, and Bicycling.com is super impressed by the new Marc Pro Plus’ ability to help manage aches and pains as well.

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Silence is golden (and meditation is proven to enhance health, focus and relieve stress), but music is also a natural performance enhancer through dissociation, arousal regulation, synchronization, acquisition of motor skills, and attainment of flow (here is a super interesting research paper with more information). Whether you prefer upbeat top-100 tunes to help you power through the last interval, classical music during a mellow yoga practice, or books on tape to stimulate your mind during a long cross-training session, Parade picks the Red Fox Edge wireless headset to get you movin’ and groovin’ this year.

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So what are you waiting for? While it is up to you to take the first steps towards reaching your goals, we promise it isn’t cheating to take along the latest training, injury prevention and performance tools to your next workout!