Nuun Photo Shoot

Another glorious February day in San Diego and this week, we produced and hosted a photo shoot for our client Nuun. Nuun is a delicious hydration system that delivers an ideal balance of electrolytes without the added sugar to any glass of water or your favorite water bottle. We love it because it is lo-calorie and portable for on-the-go hydration between workouts and our busy schedules!

To add to the excitement, the shoot brought together the many of the faces and friends of SMACK! Mason Reay and Erin Berard joined us from the Nuun headquarters in Seattle, our favorite photographer John Segesta drove out from Tuscon, Marshall Caswell buzzed down from  Los Angeles to direct the shoot and Boulder HQ Smackanista, Shanna Burnette, flew in with 10 month old Adriana in tow.

To capture the versatility and benefits of Nuun while promoting proper hydration and a healthy active lifestyle, we shot Nuun at San Diego’s fitness hot spots. We started at the track with some running.  As any well-rounded fitness program would feature, we incorporated a gym session, cycling, coffee drinking (yes that’s important too!), yoga and tennis. Thank you to North Park Gym, Pannikin Encinitas and Haute Yoga for allowing us to use your beautiful facilities.

Check out the behind the scenes action below and be sure to try some Nuun before, during or after your next workout!

Eli stepping in for some photography of her own.

Model Katie Dawers looking beautiful with her bottle of Nuun.

Photographer John Segesta hard at work.

Katie at the gym pumping some Nuun.

Typical Cyclists at Pannikin Coffee and Tea.

Half Bottle of Nuun Pose.