SMACK! Media Insider: SMACK! Talks Ironman, Alaska and Deployment with Dr. Andy Baldwin20140701190653
SMACK! Media Insider: SMACK! Talks Ironman, Alaska and Deployment with Dr. Andy Baldwin
SMACK! MediaJuly 1, 2014Alaska, Andy Potts, Arabian Gulf, Boston Marathon, Chocolate Milk Team, CLIF Bar, Computtrainer, Denali National Park, Dr. Andy Baldwin, GU Rocktane, Ironman, Ironman Couer D'Alene, Katya Meyers, Kona, NYC Marathon, Power Bar, Roka Sports Wetsuits, San Diego, San Diego International Triathlon, Senegal, Tri-Geek, Triathlete Magazine, U.S. Navy Doctor, Zoot Sports0 comments
After competing in the San Diego International Triathlon on Sunday (a good tune-up for her 1/2 Ironman next month), Eli had the opportunity to chat wi...
SMACK! Media Summer Reading20130801144134
SMACK! Media Summer Reading
SMACK! MediaAugust 1, 2013110% Compression + Ice, Magazines, New You Magazine, Pink, Prescription Goggles, Runner's World, SportRX, Summer Reading, The Grid Mini, Triathlete Magazine, Trigger Point, Volleyball Magazine, Women's Running0 comments
The weekend is almost upon us, which means that it’s the perfect time to grab a few magazines and a refreshing drink to head out to the pool, be...
Expo West–Starring Nuun Hydration and NuttZo20130314003538
Expo West–Starring Nuun Hydration and NuttZo
SMACK! MediaMarch 14, 2013Cherry Limeade, Cliff Bar, Expo West, Kit, Kit's Organic, Lemonade, Natural Foods Expo, New Flavors, NuttZo, Nuun Hydration, Triathlete Magazine, Watermelon0 comments
Expo West is a Natural Foods Trade Show held each year in Anaheim, CA featuring the hottest trends and staples in health food. Eli was the lucky SMACK...