Trigger Point Performance Founder, Cassidy Phillips, Prepares to Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro to Raise Funds for African Village

Cassidy Phillips has spent the last decade helping people–specifically athletes. His Trigger Point line of injury prevention, self-massage and rehab tools have empowered athletes worldwide to perform better, recover faster and most importantly, unlock their bodies from tight muscles and discomfort.

On June 14th Cassidy will shift this focus to a mission aimed at raising funds and awareness for the villagers of Vea, Tanzania (Africa). The goal is to summit the 19,341 ft. Peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise $100,000 to provide clean water, education, medical care and economic development for the village. Cassidy will of course utilize his Trigger Point tools along the way to ensure that he stays injury free to complete his mission.

“My mission in life is to empower people to do things they never thought possible,” said Phillips. “In the United States, empowerment is a mindset, but for the villagers of Vea, empowerment begins with the true necessities of life. By providing basic medical supplies, household water filters, and access to education and training opportunities, I hope to empower the villagers of Vea and give them a longer, healthier, better quality of life.”

You can read the full story and press release here.

Cassidy’s Climbing Bio

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